About Us: Same-sex Partnership Net Japan
-Supporting legal partnership for sexual minorities-
To establish an environment that enables you to develop your relationship with your chosen partner
To build a society that allows everyone to be together with the one they love
We want to build a legal frameworks you can sustain your relationship whatever happens in life
In Japan, couples of the same sex or belonging to sexual minorities(*1) face constant challenges in many aspects of their lives (education, employment, financial and economic activities, medical services, housing, etc.).
For example, without legal rights of marriage, if one partner is hospitalized, the other may not be able to visit, or may not be legally recognized to authorize medical treatment. When one partner passes away, the other may not be able to auto- matically inherit his or her legacy.
While some countries have established legal frameworks to support same sex partnerships, Japan has never addressed this issue in public policy.
To change this situation, we have established Partnership Law Japan(*2). Our objective is to act as a catalyst to drive concrete action on both the judicial and legislative fronts, such as litigation in the courts and legislative action in the Diet.
(*1) Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, people with gen- der identity disorders, sexual development disor- ders etc.
(*2)The official name of this organization in Japanese is the ‘National Network for Special Spouse Law’. We have invented the term ‘Special Spouse’. In the Japanese legal system, marriage is defined to be between a man and a woman, with the Constitution stipulating ‘based on agreement between the two sexes.’ We use the term ‘Special Spouse’ to indicate those in a special relationship, between people of any sex, similar to legal marriage.
To improve the quality of life for couples in same sex partnerships through:
Research on legal issues facing same sex couples
Public education on the issues and legal and policy solutions
Proposing practical and concrete legal and policy measures
Study and Analysis of Same Sex Partnership Networking with Legal Reserchers/ Practitioners
Survey of couples: their issues and challenges
Case studies via interviews
Supporting documents for court cases and classrooms
Planning / Events PR via Media and the Web
Symposiums on Partnership Law Framework - Workshop on Family Diversity
Flyers/ Brochures for Corporate and Social Education
PR /Drafting of Legislation and Policy Measures Networking with MPs, Political Partners and Officials
Development of Policy Proposal Documents - Legislative Lobbying of MPs
Seminars for Public Sector Education
We Want Your Stories
Challenges facing same sex couples are not widely understood by the general public. People in same sex relationships themselves often do not know each other’s experiences. We would like to share more stories from you.
Participate in our Surveys and Interviews
We are developing research projects, including sur- veys and interviews, on the legal and life challenges you face, to develop our agenda. Our website will publish details of our activities in due course. Be ready to participate in developing our agenda!
Come Join our Meetings and Symposiums
We will hold workshops and symposiums on current issues and possible activities leading to legislation. Come join us with your friends!
Let’s Share Information
Society is moving and changing fast. Why not join our e-mailing list to share information between us! You can join directly at our website.
Join to Support our Activities !
Our network does not have any full time staff or large-scale funding. Our activities will be supported by your cooperation. We hope you will continue to give us your support.
* Please provide donations to support the activities of this network
$$ Bank Account $$
Representative of ‘Partnership Law Japan’:
Chizuka Oe (パートナーホウネット オオエ チヅカ)
Saving (‘Futsuu’) account # 0108035
Nakano Ekimae Branch, Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Partnership Law Japan
c/o LOUD, 3-45-15-103 Nakano, Nakano-ku, Tokyo, 164-0001, Japan